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Be Your Own


Yoga Studio





 Class Schedule


  Tuesday:      5:30 pm @ Be Your Own Tree Yoga


  Thursday:    6:30 pm @ Be Your Own Tree Yoga


  Saturday:    10:30 am @ Be Your Own Tree Yoga

​"New to Yoga"

In our "New to Yoga" class we focus on the basics of yoga. Why we are on the mat. The termonology used. The benefits of each pose. The step by step directions when learning the poses. The many modifications. The importance of understanding the non-competitive nature of yoga.

If you've never taken a class, are a returning student or just feel the need for deeper instruction, this class is for you!


In beginner/intermediate yoga you will be gently guided through a tune in, warm up, series of carefully sequenced poses ending in a peaceful savassanah/relaxation. Throughout your class you will have the option of listening to detailed instruction, observing your instructor or receiving physical modifications. We, at Be Your Own Tree Yoga, believe strongly that people learn differently, be it auditorally, verbally, or directly hands on, therefore we strive to provide our students with many learning options.

515 Chalet Ct. 

Creve Coeur, MO


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My Mission........


First and foremost I want to help students remember why they are on their mat; to unite your mind, body, and soul. 

Yoga has hit the 'western world' like gangbusters and this is a good thing, but my concern is that people are heading to their mats through the 'back door'. They want to get in shape, look better and feel better. Will this happen? Yes it will, but it is a result of what happens when you focus MAINLY on uniting your mind, your body and your soul. This union is accomplished through mindful breathwork, carrying out the postures and focus. When your goal is to gain this unity the rest falls into place.......

the physical, mental, emotional, and physiological benefits (and more) will occur, but sticking with the basic premise is critical.

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